When I was browsing the internet the other day, I discovered this very cool feature on Mashable.com. I saw that as I was mousing over images, it was giving me an option to share the images to social networks. Now, the concept of sharing via social networks is not unusual. You see the floating sidebar widgets and icons above and below content all the time, and the clicking of these gives the search engines signals that interaction is being conducted on websites.

Sharing is by far the most popular, and the ability to share to facebook, twitter, pinterest can be very powerful in getting your content, brand around the internet. But this only gave people the option to share the whole part of the page or post.
Now, with micro-content sharing, you might have one part of your page or post that appeals to someone, like an image, video or particular part of your content and they can now directly share this to their networks. This is very cool and definitely allows certain parts of your content to be shared multiple times, as well as get some social engagement signals going.
I searched for a wordpress plugin solution, but alas, there isn't one avaiable at the moment, but rest assured there will be. In the meantime, I found a site called Markerly.com and they have a widget that can be installed on a site that allows the social sharing icons to appear on your images, videos and content.
This is very simply to setup and I have made a video that shows how simple it is and can be set up on your site in minutes.
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