The title is the first thing that people will see when they see the results of a search engine query. As you can see in the example below, I have typed in motorcyle parts. The title of the web page gives me an idea of what that particular page is about. As you can see, there are 3 results here. The first one tells me it is a motorcycle wrecker sells motorcycle parts, dirt bike… then nothing. The second tells me MCAS? Whatever that is and the third is zpower australia, obviously a business.
Then zpower for kawasaki, parts and accessories. Not the best description of those pages. Can you also see how the words, motorcycle and parts are bolded in the titles. Google does that deliberately to catch the surfers eye, so if you had the term motorcycle parts together in your title tag, you would have them both bolded, standing out quite well and also, catching the searcher's eye as that is the exact term that they searched for. Have the title tag optimised to explain exactly what the page is about is essential.
Having something like,Motorcycle Parts, Motorcycle Accessories, Motorcycle Spares – All Your Motorcycle Needs could have been a better option. It has 3 sets of keyword sets, tells me exactly what the page is about, is short and to the point. A title tag has to tell the searcher exactly what the page is about, as this is the first thing that grabs the surfer's attention.
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